At 19 years old as a convicted drug dealer, needle junky, and in drug rehab for the third time, Jordan Orick called on Jesus...and Jesus showed up! On Nov. 11th 2004, Jesus came into that drug rehab bedroom and not only saved Jordan but instantly healed his withdrawing body! Since that time, Jordan has followed Jesus' leading in His life, which resulted in attending Bible College, working in Bible College as a full-time teacher, working in multiple churches, and currently pastoring a church in the Kalamazoo, MI area while earning a Th.D. and traveling to minister wherever The Lord leads. Now at the age of 38 and after ministering for nearly 20 years, Jordan ministers under a prophetic anointing, manifesting the power of the Spirit and teaching sound, liberating exposition from Gods Word.
More about Jordan
- A former employee of Norvel Hayes Ministries and New Life Bible College
- Has earned a Masters Degree of Theology; currently earning a Th.D. from Global Awakening Theological Seminary (Dr. Randy Clark)
- Ministers primarily via the prophetic office
- Is a member of CIM (Connect International Ministries), led by Bishop Jamie Englehart
- Is the Senior Pastor of The Glory Center in the Portage/Kalamazoo, Michigan area